It is very, very European looking!

See...I told you it was very stylized.

Ok we bought a minivan.  A Volkswagen Routan to be precise and I have to say I love it.  I of course said many years ago and many times that I would never buy a minivan but the 3rd one pushed it over the edge.  On top of that we always have the Big R in tow with us so we are transporting 3 adults and 3 kids (3 car seats!) most of the time and a SUV is just not an option.  Plus you throw in 2 kids/1 adult with motion sickness and you are talking about a level of car shopping complexity that is beyond a normal sane man.

We looked at the usual suspects (Honda/Toyota) and they were nice but the Routan was the only one that actually felt like a grown up car on the inside and hey I still have some dignity/pride left.  Got the price and features we wanted with no hassle and boom…their goes a juicy commission.

Took our first mini road trip with it this past week up to WI and it was fantastic.  No kids touching kids.  No kids waking up babies and vice versa and an overall quiet happy ride for all.  Now if I can get that incessant Alice In Wonderland music out of my head I will be even more elated.

About martineden

I am not here to please anyone.
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